History and Culture
Grotte di Catullo
The name Grotte di Catullo was given during the XV cent., even thou_gfi is not certain that tfiis was the Latin poet's villa (Verona 87 BC - Rome 54 BC) the building was a rectangle of about167 x 105 meters, with two big forward sections, one faci.ng the lake and the other the land. The most ancient part of the villa (south) goes back to the era of Catullus.
At the entry there is a museurn, which preserves sections of frescoes (Marine Scene and Portrait of a Poet) and other findi.ngs discovered in the area. The Museurn also houses a prehistoric and medieval section.
Castello di Sirmione
The Scaliger Casùe was built in the 13th century by Mastino I della Scala, lord of Verona, asa bcrth for Scaliger fleet. lt has a large dock and thesurrounding walls cut the town off from the mainland. From the top of the tower (the old dungeon 37 m tali) one can enjoy a wonderful view all over the lake and the hills.
Santa Maria Maggiore
In 2012 Santa Maria Maggiore (XV Century) celebrates the 500th anniversary of its consecralion; all the frontal porch the most northern column has a stone dedicaled to Empcror Julian Apostata. Inside there are frescoes and a wooden Madonna statue dating back to the same period.
San Pietro in Mavino
Built in theLombard era, il was reconstructed in 1320 (the bell tower from 1070). Three Apses enclose the double sloped structure. lnside, there are frescos, from different eras, from the XIV cent and after.
San Salvatore
This is ali that remains of the religious building and of the monastery which was built (765 - 774) under Ansa's order, the wife of the last Lombard King Desiderio. The three small apses and a Lombard portion of the side walls are kept as ruins.